Front-End Web Developer


Hello, my name is Adnan and I am located in Slough. I'm a self-taught Front-End Developer that specialises in React. I am interested in the entire Front-End spectrum and I look forward to working on ambitious projects with like-minded people. Additionally, I would like to develop this skill further by working alongside those with much greater experience. I am eager to learn new technologies, whilst developing my current skills, and enjoy challenging myself. This is ultimately what I'm passionate about and would greatly appreciate any hands-on experience I can acquire in a professional environment - where I can build upon skills and learn from more experienced profesionals. I am currently learning the framework Express and would like to get into Full-Stack Development in the near future. Below is some of my projects , please have a look at it and contact me if you have any vacancies. I can assure you I wont disappoint.





  • This is a web application build with React.
  • HotFlix makes several API calls to display the movie images, ratings, details of a movie and many more data. This allows users to find the next movie for them to watch.
  • I used the library React Router Dom with this project to allow for routing. Also used fetch to retrieve data from an API.
  • This application allows you to search for any movie using the catalog section.
  • This web application is responsive for mobile, tablet and pc view.


  • This web application was developed using React and it's newest features, React Hooks.
  • Ravenous uses fetch to retrieve data from an API. This API takes in a search term and location to information on several businesses.
  • Ravenous allows you to search through any businesses around the world by typing in the business and the location.
  • I made this web application responsive for mobile, tablet and pc view.

Word Game

  • Word Game is a web application built using React. This application uses class components.
  • The purpose of this project is to make a word out of the 4 letters that are displayed. You must make as many words as you can within the time limit.
  • You can adjust the difficulty from easy to hard which changes the timer.


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